My Little Auntie Jude

Created by Alison 4 years ago

The memories I have are fun and adventures. It started as her bridesmaid in pink aged 5 and I remember being so excited when Angela came along. I wasnt allowed to go into the hospital so Jude held her up at the window to show me. 

When up North, I loved going to stay, helping in her coffee shop, being amazing how well trained Tara was and helping with my cousins. I remember going to the Theatre to see her and was so proud. I still have the programme, she signed for me. My auntie was famous!

When they moved South, I followed. Many a stay, riding horses, dogs, fun games, laughter, and loads of love. You were in trouble if you didnt sign the visitors book!

As an adult she has been my confidant, my friend and supporter. Always there as a constant in my life.

I was so lucky to go on a few holidays with them - New York, Lebanon, Centre Parcs, punting in Cambridge and many more - including me and the penalty was getting to listen to me and Angela chatter and giggle.

I will miss her, our Facetime chats, her big smile and her lovely hugs.

I love you Little Auntie Jude. Thank you for everything, your love and generosity. And thank you for the best cousins and a sister in Angela.

Forever in my heart 💝
